‘BTC Headed to the End Game’ – Twitter | $60,996.71

I’m calling the bitcoin top. It happened in October 2021 at the peak of the money printing. It’s over now. The next round of inflation will pour into real money, not nonexistent derivatives. We are headed to the End Game with the next inflation round. Bitcoin is dead. Eulogy made by Raffi Farber

‘Bitcoin Has Failed’ – ECB | $51,304.97

Bitcoin has failed on the promise to be a global decentralised digital currency and is still hardly used for legitimate transfers. The latest approval of an ETF doesn’t change the fact that Bitcoin is not suitable as means of payment or as an investment. Eulogy made by Ulrich Bindseil &  Jürgen Schaaf Source

‘Sayonara Bitcoin’ – Twitter | $24,746.07

So it turns out that Bitcoin is just another bubble asset that blows up when the Fed gets serious about hiking interest rates. Zero store of value function. Zero diversification benefit. Zero yield. Sayonara Bitcoin… Eulogy made by Robin Brooks Source

‘Bitcoin Is A Joke Wrapped In A Fraud’ – Express | $24,436.35

Bitcoin and all the pathetic fake currencies that popped up in its wake are the worst thing to happen to the investment world in my lifetime. They are a joke wrapped in a fraud, wrapped in a Ponzi scheme and sold as a get-rich-quick investment opportunity. While I’m told the underlying blockchain technology has some..

‘Crypto – The Greatest Ponzi Of All Time’ – Cincinnati Enquirer | $23,774.57

The seemingly limitless innovations that are springing out of information technology have created enormous opportunities for all kinds of predatory behavior uninhibited by social regulation. Cryptocurrencies are one of the leading contestants in this competition. Crypto is a Ponzi scheme. It’s the IT version of what Bernie Madoff did in a mutual fund fraud in..

‘Bitcoin Will Go Negative’ – Spotify | $16,955.08

Crypto is now in the process of going to zero except for bitcoin which will probably go negative because if we’re moving into a world with carbon taxes you have to take into account the energy to produce it in the first place. Eulogy made by Peter Zeihan Source

‘Bitcoin Is On The Road To Irrelevance’ – ECB |$17,168.57

The value of bitcoin peaked at USD 69,000 in November 2021 before falling to USD 17,000 by mid-June 2022. Since then, the value has fluctuated around USD 20,000. For bitcoin proponents, the seeming stabilization signals a breather on the way to new heights. More likely, however, it is an artificially induced last gasp before the..

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